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Katja Schüler



I am a clinical psychologist and prospective psychoanalyst with a PhD in Translational Biomedicine and a passion for computational methods (preferably inspired from bioinformatics, computer science, neuroscience). Starting out initially from psychopathology research, I was drawn more and more to resilience research and the consequences of early adversity / traumatic (attachment) stress on adult mental health and stress reactivity in particular. My current research interest lies in understanding mental health (and in psychodynamic terms “the self”) as a complex system and its interactions between psyche and soma, e.g. inflammation being involved in depression.

In this, sensitivity plays a crucial role as it drives perception and (empathic) information processing and thus our response to (social) stress. When placed into a suitable environment, differential susceptibility allows particularly sensitive individuals to benefit even more from interacting with this environment (for instance, but definitely not limited to psychotherapy). I am also interested in ways to build such a suitable, therapeutic environment for sensitive patients.

Since 2021, I am undergoing training as a licensed psychoanalyst.

Discipline of research:
Clinical Psychology, Computational Science, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychosomatics, Translational Biomedicine

Hospital zum Heiligen Geist
Frankfurt, Germany
