How sensitive are you?
Sensitivity can be easily measured with a short questionnaire.
According to research, people tend to fall in one of three sensitivity groups: low, medium and high.
Take the test to find out which group you belong to.
Sensitivity Blog
“No one likes me or wants to play with me!” Do highly sensitive adolescents feel peer acceptance and rejection more intensely?
Peers play a crucial role in the social lives of adolescents, but peer experiences may affect some adolescents more strongly than others.
In a study involving 1,207 adolescents, we revealed that adolescents who scored high on sensitivity felt better after imagining acceptance by peers but worse after imagining rejection by peers compared to their less sensitive counterparts.
Summary of the 2nd International Conference on Sensitivity Research
The 2nd International Conference on Sensitivity Research took place online on the 22nd of May, 2024. In this blog post, we summarize the meeting and highlight some key contributions from various sensitivity researchers.
Beyond Restless: Understanding Sleep Challenges for Highly Sensitive Persons
We investigated the relationship between sensory processing sensitivity and insomnia symptoms, testing the hypothesis that daily stressors would impact highly sensitive persons during nighttime.
We found that heightened sleep reactivity explains the relationship between sensitivity and sleep disruption. This study holds potential for helping sensitive people overcome their sleep problems.