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Francesca's Blog (parenting) 1

Parenting Quality and Sensitive Children

Parenting quality matters for all children, but especially so for children that are more sensitive.

Highly sensitive children are at greater risk to develop behavioural problems than less sensitive children when experiencing harsh or permissive parenting.


Brain Response of Sensitive People to Emotional Pictures

In response to emotional pictures, highly sensitive people show brain activity in areas associated with reward processing, emotional memory, vigilance/fear, learning, homeostasis, awareness, reflective thinking, and integration of information.

Elaine Aron's Blog

The Birth of the Research on High Sensitivity

The study of high sensitivity began with curiosity about the casual use of the term “sensitive” among psychologists. It led to interviews, and based on these, to the 27-item Highly Sensitive Person Scale. 

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Environmental Sensitivity and Serotonin Transporter Gene Variance: from Rats to Humans

Environmental Sensitivity is seen in both animals and humans, suggesting that is has a strong biological foundation.